Exposing Satan's Lie / AKA Why Teach About Apostles? |
The purpose of teaching on the Apostle's Ministry is to help us realize the
amount of devastating loss the Body of Christ has and is suffering when the gift of the apostle, as defined in the New Testament, is denied by the Body
of Christ; even that gift which Christ so graciously gave to His Church.
Jesus said that WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, but I am going to show you
how the Dark Ages begin effecting the Entire World, when the Church ceased
to be the Light it was destined to be, when Apostles of God were replaced by
Apostles of man, and the Church was governed by a false apostolic system,
and remains in part, governed under a false apostolic system today.
In the Spirit, we have a warning to all generations that the Apostle Paul
gave to the New Testament Church, concerning false apostolic government that
brings in false doctrine to make the Church disciples of men and religion
instead of disciples of God.
Acts 20:28-31
28 "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the
Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He
purchased with His own blood.
29 "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 "Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things,
to draw away the disciples after themselves.
31 "Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to
warn everyone night and day with tears.
God, in these Last Days, is sending watchmen to His Church. Men and women of
God who have sought God with all their hearts, and are reporting to the Church the things that God has shown them. God is still restoring the Church
from the Dark Ages when men and women of God became disciples of men, and
God has sovereignly sent men like Martin Luther to His Church to restore the
doctrines that the Body of Christ no longer observed, even the basic doctrines of being saved by Grace through faith.
This message is both a warning and a wake up call to the Body of Christ, to
those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. I have continued to persevere in teaching on the Apostle's ministry in spite
of opposition because I know that not all of you are rejecting the move of God to restore the Body of Christ's right understanding of the apostles
ministry. There was a time when church leaders fought against the doctrine that Martin Luther brought to the Church, that men did not have to observe a
papal system of ordinances to be saved, but could receive salvation by Grace
through Faith. That generation sought after him to murder his message to the
Church. And now, men are opposing the fact that there are still New Testament apostles. They teach and have accepted that there is no such thing
as apostles like the apostles of the New Testament, but they say that the
apostles of today are only missionaries, which qualifies anyone who does
missionary work to be an apostle. These men teach that apostles are no longer commissioned officers of the Church like Pastors, Evangelists, and
Teachers, but are mere subordinates to their own ideas and treat them with less value and importance than that which the Lord Jesus Christ gave them
when He set them FIRST in His Church. This is only to prove that this saying
about them is true:
"For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned
to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and
to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are
weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored!...And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we
bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been
made as the filth of the world, the off scouring of all things UNTIL NOW."
- 1 Cor. 4:9-13
Apostles were appointed FIRST by our Lord, but are displayed as the LAST
among men. The apostle's ministry is one of the ministry gifts Satan hates most, and he will do anything in these last days to rob genuine apostles of God of their every reputation from the Scriptures. He knows that
the Body of Christ can meet him with deadly force if they unite with truly
anointed apostles and the truth. Apostles today still possess all the power
given to them in the New Testament Book of Acts. We have many teachers today, many instructors, but few willing to endure the persecution of baring
the name apostle. Some apostles have called themselves Doctors (honorary doctorate, Dr., a title given by men), Bishops, Missionaries, or any other
name they may use to hide from persecution. Its time for those genuinely called by God to repent and tell others who they really are, not in the
title given by men, but in the office and power given by God. Imagine a Pastor of a church that never let his congregation know his gift to that
local body. What if the Pastor only called himself Elder, how could there be order in that house if no one knows who the set man of that ministry is? In
the same way, it is equally ridiculous to think that Apostles can benefit
the title of Elder, Dr., or anything else before their name. In almost every letter Paul wrote, he always identified himself as an Apostle, but today men
are ridiculed and scoffed at for using such a title. This only goes to show
you that apostles are not as readily accepted in the generation as they were in the time of the Apostle Paul, but things are about to change.
As true Apostles rise up and be and proclaim who they are and accept their
persecution without hiding behind titles given to them by men, then the World is going to see an awesome display of apostolic signs and wonders
through which God will confirm the genuine call of Apostleship in these Last
of the Last Days. Even if apostles bare a biblical title, nothing should replace the title of the high calling of God. The more timid men are in
proclaiming their apostleship, the more timid God will be in demonstrating
apostolic power through them.
The Devil sold a lie to the Body of Christ, and sad to say, the Body of Christ bought it in the past, and some people in the Body of Christ still
believe the lie today. The lie that Satan sold was that "miracles ceased with the original apostles". This one lie did two things, destroyed faith in
the miraculous power of God and faith in the apostle's ministry by saying that miracles and the gift of apostle died with the original apostles. While
no apostle will ever hold the position of the 12, including the Apostle Paul (1 Cor 15:3-11), that does not mean that they were the only New Testament
Apostles and that the gift should die and no longer be in use as it was in
the Book of Acts. If you do away with the apostle's ministry as defined in
the New Testament, then you also do away with the POWER of God in the signs
of an apostles.
2 Cor 12:12
12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.
When we reject the ministry gift of an apostle as defined in the Bible, then
we are resisting and fighting against the signs of an apostle in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. It is impossible to have the fullness of the
miraculous power of God present in this generation without the full acceptance of the chosen vessels sent to
bring this apostolic anointing.
When we reject the truth we are rejecting God's power to save souls in this generation.
The Spirit of God is being very generous to us. He is giving us an opportunity to repent of rejecting modern day apostolic ministry as defined
in the Book of Acts and throughout the New Testament. Most of us don't realize the traditions our beliefs come from, and what kind of government
the Body of Christ is presently operating under. I am going to show you from
an excerpt of Apostle Cary Goodwin's book, how deception destroyed the apostolic government of the New Testament Church and established a false
apostolic system, which will include a revelation of what denominational
ministry is actually attempting to accomplish today.
Gather My Apostles by Cary Goodwin, copyright 1996; excerpt from Chapter 2,
entitled Doctrine
<<<This book is about Apostles, which is called out of the Order and Will of
God Himself. If we entertain doctrines of devils, we can't even receive the
Order of God. In Matthew chapter 15 vs. 9 the Lord says, But in vain they do
worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. In Matthew 16
vs. 6, Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. This is a definite warning to the Believers.
We must heed the warnings of the Bible.
In the World today, we still have Government regulated Christian Churches.
Russia for seventy years did allow Christianity, as long as it was performed
under the Russian Orthodox Church, A Church approved of and regulated by the
Government. In China there is a Government approved and regulated Church.
They chose the Catholic religion, regulated by them for this purpose. This
gives them the appearance of being free and attempts to quench the attacks
of their critics. In Vietnam today it is the same, the State recognizes only
one Christian religion and it to is Catholic and regulated by the State.
These Churches are allowed to perform seemingly righteous rituals, to make
the people feel like they are practicing righteousness. But doctrines that
might threaten the Government such as the new birth, Baptism of the Holy
Spirit strictly forbidden. We know about them and can see them operating
today. Satan knows that if he can get the Church to change their doctrine he
can rob them of their God given Power, Authority and Glory. Mark Chapter 7
vs. 13, Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which
ye have delivered and many such like things do ye.
To understand what happened to the Church of Jesus Christ, we must understand Church History. We need to understand, so that we can take it all
back and to avoid the same mistakes. The Church was birthed on the Day of
Pentecost right in the middle of the Roman Empire. At first, the Romans looked upon Christianity as a Jewish problem, therefore, it didn't require
any regulation. But the Church of Jesus Christ continued to grow and it grew
in the power of the Spirit of God. Soon it became a threat to the empire,
threatening to exalt itself above the Caesar.
Laws were passed to put to death those who professed Jesus of Nazareth. We
know, that at that time, the Church was driven underground even into the
Catacombs under Rome. When Christians were caught, they were told to renounce their faith in Jesus of Nazareth. When they would not, they were
killed. Many times the method of execution was for sport in front of the
citizens of the Roman Empire. This was intended to send a clear message to
all. Some were put in arenas with wild animals. Some into arenas with Gladiators. Some were just put to a gruesome death. In spite of the extreme
penalties, this sect called Christians continued to grow and multiply. After
many years of this dangerous game of Hide and seek the Emperor Constantine
decided to legalize Christianity even make it the Religion of the Empire
though, he himself worshipped the sun.
The Christians, now were legal and thought that Constantine was sent by God.
The Roman Catholic Church was born. It was the first Government regulated
Church. It was this or nothing, to the Christians of that time. They could
not have known what was happening, this had never happened before. But we
can see it all and must understand.
Priest were trained, the Word of God was published in a strange language
that only the trained Priest could read. (Latin) The people had to rely on
the Priest for their doctrine and the Priest were under the Authority of the
Government. This plunged the whole world into what we now call the Dark Ages.
Jesus said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than this shall he do
because I go unto my Father. Then at another time, He said, I must work the
works of him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man
can work. John Chapter 9 vs. 4. Could the Lord have been referring to the
time of darkness, that the Church was deceived into.
During this time of darkness, there were no miracles. Did they tell the people, miracles went away because we changed your doctrine and made the
word of God of none effect? Of course not, that would have brought utter
rebellion and chaos. Or did they tell the people things like this? Miracles
went away with the Apostles. This is a lie from the very depths of the pit
of Hell. With this one false saying, Satan robbed the Church of their belief
in miracles, such as healing. It also proposed to the Church, that there
were no longer any Apostles given. Without the leadership and Authority given to Apostles, the Body of Christ can not be Whole. I will discuss this
further, later on. Satan planted these false doctrines, to neutralize the
Body of Christ so they could not oppose him.
Everything continued on, till the time of the Reformation in the sixteenth
century, when Martin Luther Protested against the established Church. He was
a Priest in the Catholic Church and the Lord brought just a little light to
him. He read in the word how the Just shall live by faith and realized that
they were not living by faith. This birthed the Protestant movement. This
Protestant movement began to dispel some of the false doctrine, but not all.
To this day, we are still struggling to dispel these false doctrines, so a
little more of the light of God can shine through to the world.
Every time, Satan sells one of these false doctrines, he is in effect building a wall around those believers so that they cannot see the truth.
Preaching and teaching of the truth builds faith that breaks in pieces that
wall. That wall of lies that kept them from seeing the whole truth of the
matter. Then suddenly, it all seems like new revelation. It is not new revelation, it was always in the Word of God. In the time we live in we can
see many such examples; Someone receives healing then begins to preach to
the people of God that God still heals. Through that teaching, the false
doctrine, that God doesn't heal today is dispelled by the preaching of the
word concerning the matter. Those walls that held them captive is broken in
pieces. People actually being born again and proclaiming it and explaining
it through preaching, breaks through these religious doctrines causing many
more to be born again. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.
His word is forever settled in Heaven. We must understand this to embrace
the full Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must understand and embrace the full
will and intent of God.>>>
Lie Exposed: Miracles ceased with the Apostles.
From the above excerpt of Apostle Goodwin's book, we find that the Papal
system replaced the Apostolic system of Government instituted by the Apostles in the New Testament. Most people don't know, but the Pope of the
Catholic Church is literally deemed by the Catholic as the Apostle of Apostles, just under Jesus Christ in authority. In other words, they claim
the Pope is the Apostle with the highest authority on earth, just under the
Apostleship of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Webster's dictionary defines
the word "pope" as "...the head of the Roman Catholic Church." The papal
system was a system by which the Apostles of men replaced the Apostles of
God. A false apostolic government was erected by the Roman Catholic Church,
and to avoid persecution, many of the Saints fell for the apostolic system
of men and replaced the apostolic government of God. The Church was ruled by
Rome and under the government of Bishops and Apostles (the Pope) appointed
by men.
By replacing the apostles of God with the apostolic system of man, the Church came out from under persecution and replaced their effectiveness in
the POWER of God with a false peace. Satan knew he couldn't stop the apostolic power that was resident even in the Saints under the true
apostolic system instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, so instead of doing
away with apostolic government altogether, Satan erected a system that would
allow them to remain Christians and yet force them to compromise their beliefs in true apostolic ministry. To stop the flow of God's anointing that
continued to come from the lives of the Saints under the Apostolic Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan decided to do away with
persecution if the Church would just accept a false government to operate
under. This plummeted not only the Church, but the whole world into what has
become know in History as the Dark Ages, when the Church compromised and
refused to be the Light of the World, accepting the apostles of men and their false peace instead of the apostles of God along with the persecution,
torture, and even death that comes by being associated with His Name.
This ultimately lead to the belief under the false apostolic government that
Apostles and miracles died with the Apostles mentioned in the Bible. The
Church went from false apostolic government to no apostles, which took the
Church to an even greater level of darkness. I have read whole books still
circulating today the use false theology to tell how the apostles of the New
Testament and miracles died long ago.
And even now, we see denominationalism, another form of false apostolic government, running rampant and spreading division throughout the Church. A
denomination is "a religious organization uniting in a single legal and administrative body as a number of local congregations." THAT IS THE
DEFINITION OF APOSTOLIC GOVERNMENT with one acceptation. To be considered a
true apostolic government, they not only have to be a religious organization
uniting in a single legal administrative body as a number of local congregations, but ultimately that administrative body must connect itself
to the flow of anointing that circulates throughout other administrative
bodies governing other local congregations as well. Another problem is that the Church's rejection of the ministry gift of the Apostle has caused
denominations to be formed without genuinely anointed apostles as the governing head of these systems. They are apostolic systems with the
structure of apostolic ministry without anointing apostles governing their
work and structure, which results in the massive division we see in the Body of Christ today. True Apostles will unify denominations or religious
groups governing a number of local bodies.
Denominationalism is defined as "devotion to denominational principles or
interest" with the result of "emphasizing of denominational differences to
the point of being narrowly exclusive." The problem with the spirit of denominationalism is that they overemphasize areas of some Truth to the
point that the exiled the fellowship of others based upon their differences
in belief, or because another religious group within the Body of Christ may
not emphasize any particular given area of truth as much as they do. We need
to have a spirit that emphasizes all of the Bible, the parts we know, and
the parts that other religious groups or governing bodies have learned within the Body of Christ. We only know in part, but if governing bodies
would learn from other fellowships of Saints and would accept them as equally being qualified as Saints as long as they observe the basics of
Salvation, then we would all know more and would receive a greater manifestation of the Glory of God revealed in His Word.
Ps 133:1-3
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the
beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for
there the LORD commanded the blessing-- life forevermore. (NKJ)
That's the message that true apostles are bringing to the Body of Christ
today. UNITY!!! When we exclude ourselves from the fellowship of the Brethren, the story of the prodigal son teaches us that we exclude ourselves
from fellowship with the Father as well. When the prodigal left the house,
he left his brethren and the fellowship of the father. In another way, when
the prodigal returned and the father rejoiced, the older brother resented
the prodigal, and his bitterness that separated him from loving his brother
also cause him to have an attitude that displeased the father.
The devastation of rejecting the apostle's ministry was that a false government was established and the Church ceased to be the Light of the
World, and the result was that the whole world was plummeted into the Dark
Ages, and who knows how many untold souls perished due to the mistake of
rejecting true apostolic ministry? This Brothers and Sisters is why it is so
significant to understand what being an apostle really means. If denominationalism teaches anything, it teaches that we need a governing system in the Body of Christ that goes beyond just each Pastor governing
each local assembly individually. Many Pastors have fallen because they are
accountable to no one and are a government to themselves, answering to no
man or system ordained by God. This is another form of false government,
when Pastors are submitted and accountable only to themselves.
We can also learn from denominationalism that we need to network and pull
together, not only as governing parties over a number of Pastors and local
congregations, but we need to begin to unite and work as one government universally, not under a false apostolic system, but under truly anointed an
appointed Apostles of the Most High God.